Buy .223 Ammo by PMC
Pick up a case of .223 Ammo by PMC and you’re good to go for multiple range trips. Each case holds 1000 rounds of high quality .223 Remington ammo suitable for use in an AR-15 or any rifle chambered in .223 or 5.56 NATO. Each round uses reloadable Boxer-primed brass cases.
1000 Rounds of .223 Ammo For Sale
This ammo uses 55 grain full metal jacket bullets with a boat tail for maximum stability. Muzzle velocity is approximately 3,200 feet per second, delivering the flat trajectories and midrange accuracy AR shooters know and love. With one thousand rounds in this case, you could make one very ragged hole in a cardboard target!
More About This Product
Shooters frequently pick up PMC ammo in large cases such as this one because it offers an excellent combination of desirable characteristics: accuracy, consistency, affordability, and availability in quantity. These qualities are brought to you by the Poongsan Corporation, a South Korean munitions company that works hard to ensure that every batch of ammo meets rigorous quality standards. As a top supplier for the South Korean military, Poongsan has extensive infrastructure and expertise that enable it to produce vast quantities of FMJ ammo for serious shooters in the US.
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